Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bishop vs Knight

This game between FM Haridas Pascua and GM Eugene Torre in Round 7 of the just concluded 4th PGMA Cup Open shows the value of Bishop and Knight in the endgame.

I was indeed in a self-debating mode on how to label this post. At first I wanted to use "FM Haridas vs GM Eugene Torre." But the line seemed very stale.

Then I thought of "Youth vs Experience." U-hum, not really the idea that I wanted to push.

How about "The game that made GM Torre pull out of the 4th PGMA Cup?" Perhaps, but I think this is too brutal. But yes, GM Torre withdrew from the said tournament after this game.

In the end, I arrived with the most stale label "Bishop vs Knight." Why? It's simply because it perfectly hit my point.

WARNING: The annotation is from yours truly who only has 1800 rating in ChessCube.

In the navigation button, please click "P" for automatic play and "#" for pause.


chessph said...

It should be noted that both players agreed that the position was drawish but GM Torre pushed for a win since he's coming from a loss to Elorta.

Anonymous said...

pgn of elorta pls

Anonymous said...

pgn of elorta, pls