Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Killer look

This time, a respite from the Dresden Olympiad.

Still vivid in my mind is a lingering impression about the grand finals of the 16th Shell National Youth Active Chess Championship that took place in SM Megamall.

I just noticed that there were some young players – all the participants were young in the first place – who beamed a “killer look” toward their respective opponent in the opposite side of the board after making a move.

For the purpose of this post, I define “killer look” as a manner of looking at somebody as if the one looking will devour the person being looked at.

As I observed, the gesture usually happened when these “killer-looking” kids were on a strong position, or had just executed a strong move.

I don’t know if this kind of gesture is natural for a chess player. I don’t know if this kind of attitude is, taught, learned, or what.