Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Chess as spectator sport

The power and beauty of technology makes the world smaller and smaller each day.

Marshall McLuhan's concept of 'global village' is indeed becoming relevant, especially when we discuss ideas about how technology shapes our lives.

Let's talk chess, or more precisely, chess and technology. And making it a little more focused, the use of technology in promoting chess as an spectator sport.

I saw some pictures over chessbase.com (one of my favorite chess sites) showing the use of technology in bringing chess to the audience.

See the pictures (which I copied and posted on this blog). The pictures essay the reality that chess, indeed, is an spectator sport.

This is how they watch chess games in a tournament in Mainz, Germany.

Observe the relationship between the players and the spectators in the sport of chess. See the underlying elements in popularizing chess?

One, audience that understands chess.

Two, technology that brings the action to the audience.

Three . . . you can supply anything you want. The elements can go on and on.

I just identified the two major elements. With one of these two elements missing, we can never really promote chess.

OK, let's talk about audience that understands chess. The recent move to include chess in school curriculum in the country is a good step toward this vision. It may take a long time, though, but I guess we're in the right direction. Do you notice nowadays the high frequency of chess tournaments in differents parts of the country?

And the technology? I already saw some good signs. DGT sets were already used in the latest PGMA Cup where games in Top Boards were projected to the audience. The NCFP was already able to broacast online LIVE games in the recent past.

Wow, you see, the two important elements are already at hand! WE CAN TRULY MAKE CHESS A SPECTATOR SPORT even in a Thirld World country like ours.

See some proofs that INDEED we can popularize chess in the Philippines. (I have already posted articles on making chess a spectator sport and popularizing chess in the Philippines.)

A wide projection screen is used for the satisfaction of the spectators during a recent PGMA Chess Cup.

Who says chess can't be a spectator sport? These people are watching chess (photo taken at SM Megamall in 2008).

Organizers of Shell National Youth Active Chess Championship does the right thing in holding its national championship in mass-reached venues.

This chess match is played on a basketball court! Got what I mean?