Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hello again

My cellphone rang yesterday. At first, I thought I was just dreaming. It's GM Wesley So on the line. Who? It's GM Wesley So on the line.

I said "Kumusta ka na?" with so much excitement, joy and flattery, in a tone as if we've known each other for a long time. He responded in English, yes, in English, in a tone as if English comes out of his lips naturally.

The background noise marred our short chat. He made the call when the 1st Campomanes Memorial Cup was about to start. The truth is that I didn't understand what he told me over the phone because of the background noise, so I can't relay to you what he told me.

But although we didn't understand each other over the phone, the message is clear enough: THIS BLOG IS BACK!

After the call, Wesley took on his first opponent and essayed his first win.

By the way, I thank you all my dear readers for always being there. My special thanks to those who sent in emails, text messages, comments, personal talks, all urging me to get back to blogging again. I thank all of you indeed.

So here is this blog again, ready to serve you and hoping to be part of your daily chess life again.

More blogging to come.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back!

Can we petition NCF for Antonio to join the Olympiad team?

We need him badly.

jameskobe said...

Welcome back sir.

Anonymous said...

welcome back!!
